Teenage Mutants
Teenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage MutantsTeenage Mutants

Teenage Mutants

Teenage Mutants, a dynamic duo comprising German friends Christian and Fabio, embarked on a thrilling journey that started with a party in Hamburg and evolved into an expansive creative endeavor. Their mission is to captivate with their unique "Techno With Drama" approach, defying norms and unleashing heady sounds. Joining "DRUMCODE", they soared with the chart-topping "Dark Clouds" on Beatport. Beyond labels like Filth On Acid, Terminal M, their focus shifts to global clubbing dominance via TRAGEDIE. With full creative control, they aim to elevate their signature sound, embodying Aristotle's wisdom: "Excellence is never an accident; choice, not chance, determines your destiny".